Nostalgic, a romantic, and DELUSIONAL…


Hi there!

My name is Jonny. I create expressive art, for distinctive individuals.

I have enjoyed making art since the days of scribbling on the walls, on into being told to stop scribbling on walls by the proper authorities, and have been exhibiting my paintings in gallery shows, and various art markets for the past 13 years.

Most of my inspiration comes from things around me. Farm stuff, nature stuff, old broken stuff, and the amazing down town of where I live, here in Petaluma, CA.

Maybe you know me for my slogan “Stay Calm”, which has flowed through many of my works over the years. It’s sort of a mantra. Try it, maybe it’ll help.

If you’d like to reach out to me with a message of some kind, feel free to fill out the contact form, and believe me, I’ll respond back to ya!

Have a good one!.. and try to Stay Calm.